

ASDWT Lahore conducted an online Zooms session on Autism Awareness for UNICEF team. Ms. Jevgenija Barone, Chief of HR at UNICEF opened the session with a brief introduction of ASDWT and the speakers. Ms. Rukhsana Shah of ASDWT gave a presentation on Autism Spectrum Disorder, it red flags, assessment and management. Ms. Sunehra Zaidi talked about the symptoms, diagnosis and management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Dr. Husna Albab gave a presentation on sensory processing problems in neurodevelopmental disorders. She discussed sensory behaviour and management protocols. The presentations were followed by a Q&A session moderated by Dr. Humaira Irshad, Health Officer, UNICEF.
#UNICEF #AutismCenterLahore #Autism

Ms. Rukhsana Shah of ASDWT Lahore was invited to speak and moderate at the International Conference on Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ICAN) in Dubai from April 28th-30th. Dr. Temple Grandin was the key note speaker, while an array of eminent speakers includ-ed Dr. Alok Sharma (India), Dr. Kerry Magro (USA), and Dr. Nadia Al Sayegh (UAE). Dr. Salma Khalil, COO Karachi also attended the Conference as a Delegate.
#ICANDubai #asdLahore #asdKarachi

On account of world Autism Awareness day 2023 Dar ul sukun invited ASD Welfare Trust Karachi to jointly celebrate and create Awareness. Ms. Faiza Ilyas (Senior Clinical Psychologist) gave presentation on "Signs and symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder and its management" & Dr. Salma Khalil (COO ASDWT Karachi) talked about "Autism and its Challenges in Pakistan". The audience took keen interest in topic and it was quite interactive session. Thankyou Mr. Savio, Mr. Bonnie and Ms. Ethel for organising event.
#autismawarenessday #darulsukun #asdwtkarachi

ASDWT, Lahore organized an awareness session for Professionals at Technical Educational and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA). Ms. Farah Amanat, Senior Clinical Psychologist talked about signs and symptoms of ASD, its assessment and management opportunities available in Pakistan. The presentation ended with Q/A session.

ASDWT- Lahore organized two days’ zoom awareness sessions in collaboration with Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC) on 27th and 28th February; 2023. Training sessions were attended by 311 School principals of PVTC centers from all over Punjab.On 27th a session was conducted by Ms. Farah Amanat on Autism Spectrum Disorder. She talked about signs and symptoms of ASD, its assessment and management preparing an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Dr. Husna Albab talked about common sensory and behavioral issues that occur in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. She also gave a brief explanation of Sensory Integration Therapy.On 28th February, a detailed session on symptoms, diagnosis and management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was conducted by Ms. Sunehra Zaidi. Ms. Farah Amanat gave a presentation on Specific Learning Disorders including Dyslexia, Mr. Ahmer Sultan talked about Learning Apps that are available on the Net and Mobiles which can be used to teach children with Learning Difficulties.These training sessions were interactive and followed by Question & Answer segments in which the audience participated.

A seminar was conducted by ASDWT-Lahore at Roshan Pakistan School. Ms. Farah Amanat (Senior Clinical Psychologist) talked about early and later signs and symptoms of Autism, its assessment, and management opportunities available in Pakistan. Ms. Sunehra Zaidi (Psychologist) talked about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in detail.Whereas, Dr. Husna Albab (Physiotherapist & Sensory Integration Therapist) talked about common sensory and behavioral issues that occur in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. She also gave a brief explanation of sensory integration therapy.Seminar was conducted for mothers and school teachers. Over 70 participants attended the seminar. It was an interactive activity that ended with a Question & Answer session.ASDWT is grateful to Ms. Arifa Aziz and Mr. Yousaf Ali (Ex-Chairman of People Welfare Center, Lahore) for providing this platform. ASDWT is looking forward to conducting more awareness sessions on these topics.
#RoshanPakistan #asdwt #lahore

ASDWT has started a series of workshops for “Hands of Hope Community”, a Cambodian organization working with children with ASD and Intellectual Disability. This Collaboration was possible when our CEO Ms Rukhsana & COO Dr Salma met Mr Sarin Chan, Founder and Executive Director "Hands of Hope Community" at 6th Congress of ASEAN Autism Network, held in Kuala Lumpur. Mr Chan is a dedicated team leader, keen to build capacity of professionals in Cambodia. The purpose of these 11 workshops is to guide professionals in Cambodia how they can improve their dealing with clients. First two workshops on 7th & 8th February 2023, have been successfully completed on the Introduction of ASD & ADHD by Ms. Faiza and Learning Disabilities by Mr Moazzaz Ali respectively.
#Cambodia #asd #karachi #lahore

On Feb. 4th .23 ASDWT KARACHI participated in BEHBUD Spring fiesta at Beach view park Karachi. The stall was setup to create Awareness about AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER . literature and educational resources were displayed . Educational toys from toyline " UNAIS toys" were also presented to share success story of parents Ayesha and Ahmad ullah. Many dignitaries including CEO NAPA Mr. Junaid Zubairi, ex senator Abdul Haseeb khan, Ms. Eva Baerner SLP from Austria, Parents and general public visited our stall and took keen interest in ASDWT's work.

On the invitation of Sukkur IBA University, Team ASDWT (Karachi) paid a 3 days visit on7 - 9 December 2022 to their beautiful campus, and held an Awareness Seminar, Behaviour Modification Training Workshop and Screening & Informal Assessment Camp.
Mr Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui (VC Sukkur IBA), Dr Zahid Hussain Sheikh Assistant Professor, facilitated the programme. Honourable Secretary DEPD, Mr Hadi Baksh Kalhoro, Faculty Members of Sukkur IBA University, Parents and students attended the events.
A detailed presentation on the establishment of an Autism Unit at the IBA Sukkur was given by Dr Salma Khalil to Board Members of the University.

ASD Welfare Trust is an Associate member of the ASEAN Autism Network. Our two delegates, Ms. Rukhsana Shah CEO Lahore, and Dr. Salma Khalil COO Karachi, attended the 6th Congress of ASEAN Autism Network - AANin Kuala Lumpur on 6th-8th November 2022.
A Country Report was presented by Dr. Salma Khalil, while Ms. Rukhsana Shah gave a presentation on the Theme of the Congress – Vocational Training & amp; Employment of Adults with Autism.
The ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) was established in 2010 by 27 Parents Organizations of 9 member countries of ASEAN at a meeting hosted by the Asia Pacific Centre for Disabilities in Bangkok. Since then, the AAN members regularly conduct meetings to exchange ideas, hold capacity building trainings, make policy recommendations to their respective governments, and present Country Reports to monitor progress in each member country of the ASEAN.
As Pakistan’s lead organization in raising awareness about Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, the ASD Welfare Trust also partners with the Autism Research Institute (ARI) and International Social Role Valorization Association (ISRVA) in the USA and the Keystone Institute in India. Apart from these formal arrangements, we also liaise regularly with regional Autism organizations in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives, for joint training sessions and capacity building.
We are now extremely keen that SAARC countries come together like ASEAN to build a SAARC Autism Network, so that all member countries can benefit from each other. ASD Welfare Trust is already in touch with parents and Sri Lanka, Nepal and India to chalk out the way forward, and we hope that the government of Pakistan takes the initiative to invite parents’ organizations of all member countries to Pakistan for the first preliminary meeting.

ASD WELFARE TRUST conducted a zoom webinar with Ms. Asma Shamim, PhD scholar and Research Assistant at the University of Toronto, and Qazi Fazli Azeem, a South Asian self- advocate for ASD and Assistant Professor at SZABIST in Karachi.
Ms. Asma Shamim wrote her MPhil thesis on "Fazli: Identity and Wisdom in a Pakistani Adult with Autism", a singularly insightful document. Ms. Rukhsana Shah introduced the two speakers after which Ms. Asma explained the three main components of her research, a) Conceptualization of Identity by an autistic adult; b) Reflection of Wisdom in the Learning Processes of Adults with Autism; and c) the Impact of these two factors on the Quality of Life.
Qazi Fazli further elaborated on Ms. Asma's work, as usual with his remarkable insight and intellectual analysis. He said that it is very important for autistic persons to develop self-awareness at an early stage in their lives with the help of family support, in order to understand themselves and regulate their lives.
The dialogue was followed by a vibrant discussion, in which Ms. Betsy Neuville, Director Keystone Institute, India, Ms. Rakshita Shekhar, an autistic adult and Consultant based in Bangalore, India, Ms. Aleena Baig, a parent and Consultant on Biomedical Interventions in Pakistan, and many others participated. Around 40 persons attended the webinar.
#Autism #QaziFazli #Pakistan #WatchVideo

ASD Welfare Trust Team visited Hum Mashal-e-Rah Foundation in Township, Lahore to celebrate the 75 years of Independence of Pakistan organised by Ms. Amna Aftab, CEO of HMR. A fun fair was arranged for children and adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. Ms. Sumaira Sarmad, Secretary Social Welfare, Punjab and Mr. Mudassar Riaz Malik, DG Social Welfare, Punjab were Chief Guests of the event which included a Quiz programme, Musical performance, a Gymnastic show by a person with physical disability and finally, students from Deaf Reach School sang the National Anthem of Pakistan in sign language to wrap up the event. Children also participated in a tug-of-war competition. ASDWT pledged to support HMR as a partner organisation for persons with special needs.

ASEAN Autism Network (AAN) Executive Board Meeting was held in Malaysia. Mr. Cason Ong, Chairperson AAN and head of NASOM greeted all the participants from ASEAN and allied countries. Ms. Candy Hernandez, M. Si, LSPR/LSCAA, Indonesia introduced the meeting participants from ASD Welfare Trust, Pakistan. Ms. Rukhsana Shah introduced the organisation’s history of creating awareness, diagnosis and management of autism in Pakistan. She also talked about ASDWT’s current projects of vocational training and residential facilities for Neurodiverse persons. Dr. Salma Khalil, COO, Karachi and Ms. Mobashshrah Bajwa, COO, Lahore also participated in the meeting. Dr. Salma reported that in Pakistan there still exists a great deal of stigma and social rejection of persons with autism.
It was a milestone achievement for ASDWT to be an Associate Member of a renowned International Forum. Through the ASEAN Autism Network platform, the ASDWT hopes to have access to new ideas and learning.

ASDWT Karachi organized the screening of two movies, Bhai and Dia, produced by film-maker Hamza Bangash on Saturday 25th, June 2022 at The Pakistan Arts Council, Karachi. The film Bhai was a short clip about Autism, played by Mr. Ayaan Javaid, a young man with Autism, pictured on the right. The other short film, Dia, was about a the travails of a young woman suffering from Schizophrenia.The programme started with a rendition of the National Anthem on violin played by Ameer Hassan Shah, an adult with Autism from Lahore, followed by a poem written by Ms. Somia Khatlani and animated by Mr. Ayaan Javaid. After screening of movies and panel discussion, a video on ASDWT’s work was shown. Mr. Sadiq Ali Memon, Advisor to the Chief Minister spoke on the occasion and appreciated the work being done by the Trust. Mr. Mohammad Khan Ranjha, Secretary Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, overnment of Sindh attended the event with his wife. Mr. Jahangir Siddiqui of JS Bank presented souvenirs to the distinguished panelists. Dr. Wamiq Ali, Dr. Qudsia Tariq, Ms. Sheema Kirmani, Mr. Qazi Fazli Azeem, Mr. Hamza Bangash, Mr. Ali Faizan Anchan and Ms. Wajiha Javaid were Panelists who discussed the need to create public awareness and acceptance of mental health problems in Pakistan. We would like to appreciate efforts of the ASDWT Karachi Team, Ms. Faiza Ilyas, Ms. Afifa Tariq, Ms. Sanam Kaleem, Mr. Moazzaz Virk, Mr. Shahbaz Mirza and Mr. Mohammad Arif for making this event a success.

ASDWT conducted a Workshop at the Department of Psychiatry, Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad on 23rd June, 2022. The event was opened by Dean & CEO Professor Dr. Umer Farooq along with Head, Department of Psychiatry, Prof. Dr. Aftab Alam Khan. Ms. Rukhsana Shah gave a presentation on Developing Language & Vocabulary in High Functioning Autism, and Ms. Farah Amanat, Senior Clinical Psychologist conducted training on Executive Functioning in Autism.

Team ASD Welfare Trust, Lahore conducted a discussion session for parents and professional from different special schools in Abbottabad.
Mr. Ajmal Waheed Khushi and Ms Samina Kousar from SAM SERC School had organised the meeting as part of Special Olympics Events. Ms Sadia Sajid Principal RISE School, Ms. Zaib-un-Nisa, Principal Orion Inclusive School, Ms. Gulnaz from Kingston School, Ms. Kishwar Meer and Ms. Sajida Saeed from Army Special School, Abbottabad and 30 mothers attended.
ASDWT Team emphasised the need to set up Parent Support Groups in every city as parents learnt most from each others’ experiences and provide many new insights in the management of neurodevelopmental disorders. Regular meetings among parents also helped to reduce stress and depression among mothers of children with Autism.

Lahore team of ASD Welfare Trust, visited Abbottabad, for an Awareness Seminar on Autism and ADHD at the Women Institute of Learning & Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Psychology affiliated with Khyber Medical University. Ms. Rukhsana Shah, CEO, ASDWT gave a presentation on Autism and Self-Awareness, while Ms. Farah Amanat, Clinical Psychologist, talked about ADHD & Specific Learning Disorders and their management.

A Zoom seminar was arranged by ASD Welfare Trust on “Technical Education & Vocational Training”. Dr. Mansoor Ahmed Sheikh, Chairman, Sindh Board of Technical Education gave a detailed presentation on the different options available for trainees, ranging from short courses of 3 to 6 months duration to longer diploma programmes of two to four years. He explained that many of the trainings of SBTE were accredited by international bodies and therefore, it was relatively easy for qualified persons to find jobs both in Pakistan and abroad. Parents who attended the seminar were excited to find that SBTE was open to admissions and curriculum modification for young adults with Autism and Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities. The next step is for parents to meet and discuss the way forward.
A Webinar on “Managing Sensory Difficulties of Adolescents with ASD” was arranged by ASD Welfare Trust via Zoom. Guest speakers were Dr. Anjali Joshi, Senior Occupational Therapist in Mumbai, and Ms Nilanjana Rambothu, Special Educator in Kolkata. Dr. Joshi gave a detailed presentation on sensory difficulties faced by adolescents and adults with ASD and how these could be managed by advanced techniques of Occupational Therapy. Ms. Nilanjana gave an anecdotal account of her experience with Sensory Integration Therapy and practical tips to handle day to day issues. 100 Parents from Pakistan and India attended the session and participated in a useful discussion on the benefits of Occupational Therapy.
ASDWT Karachi conducted an Autism Awareness Session for SadaPay. The Company was interested in creating awareness for their employees.
ASDWT conducted an awareness seminar on Autism and Learning Disabilities at SMB Fatima Jinnah Government Girls School. The school is being run by The
Zindagi Trust a top philanthropic organisation of the country headed by Mr. Shehzad Roy, celebrity singer and icon.

The Second Annual Regional Webinar for Autism Awareness Month was organized by ASD Welfare Trust on 7th April. The theme of the Webinar was "Training and Employment for Adults with Autism and Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders". Speakers and participants were from India, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines and Pakistan. The Webinar was moderated by Rukhsana Shah, and was live-streamed on Facebook as well, providing access to hundreds of viewers.
Mr. Cason Ong who is the Chairman of the ASEAN Autism Network as well as a parent based in Malaysia, opened the Webinar and welcome the initative taken by Pakistan to link up with ASEAN members. Ms. Mona Veluz, National President of the Autism Society of the Philippines gave a detailed presentation on the trainings being provided to Adults with Autism for employment in the corporate sector. Ms. Indrani Basu from India, Dr. Sunita Maleku from Nepal, and Dr. Salma Khalil, COO of ASDWT gave presentations and situational analysis on the topic in their respective countries. The Webinar generated a great deal of interest and discussion among the participants.
Useful Liknks:
ASDWT Karachi conducted a Conference on “TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT OF ADULTS WITH AUTISM & IDD” at IBA City Campus in Karachi on 26th March 2022. This was the first Conference in Pakistan at which training organizations, job coaches, prospective employers and potential job applicants gathered on one platform to explore practical approaches for inclusion of Neurodiverse Adults in the job market.
We are grateful to all the Speakers and Guests from Sindh Department of Empowerment of Person With Disabilities (DEPD), Sindh Board of Technical Education (SBTE), Sindh Technical & Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA), Network of Organisations Working for Persons With Disabilities (NOWPDP), Special Olympics Pakistan (SOP), Karachi Vocational Training Centre (KVTC), Chase Up Stores, All Pakistan Restaurant Association (APRA), Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF), Saylani Welfare International Trust, Human Resource Solutions Global (HRSG), Karachi Down Syndrome Program (KDSP), Pakistan Centre For Autism (PCA), ACELP Institute of Child Development, The Hunar Foundation, Herbion Pakistan, PayPro Pvt. Ltd, Zaamin Group, JS Bank and The Aga Khan Foundation,
Advocate Rana Asif Habib, Mr. Naveed Tejani, Qazi Fazli Azeem Mr. Masroor Sheikh, Mr. Azmat Hafeez, Mr. Omair Ahmed, Ms. Tehmina Kalia, Ms. Tamkeen Khan, Mr. Hasham Ahmed, Mr. Akbar Hussain and Ms. Farkhanda Jabeen gave their inputs on various aspects of training modifications, employers’ sensitization, workplace challenges and safety issues, and peer mentoring.
The Conference will be followed up by identifying potential adults, providing training on job preparedness, and placing them in the work environment.

ASDWT, Karachi conducted an awareness seminar on Neurodevelopmental Disorders including ASD, ADHD and Learning Disabilities at the Jamia Tul-Mohsinat, a Madrassa for females. Students and faculty members had detailed question and answer session on the topic.
ASDWT Lahore in collaboration with Special Education Department conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar for Special Education Teachers of Sargodha Division. Special thanks to Ms. Saima Saeed, Secretary Special Education Punjab, and Mr. Shahid Mukhtar, DO Special Education Sargodha for facilitating the event. Dr. Najma Butt, Head of the Psychology Department, University of Sargodha, also attended the session and teachers to be proactive in identifying children with these invisible disorders and treating them accordingly. Resource persons were Mrs. Rukhsana Shah and Ms. Mobashshrah Bajwa.

Team ASDWT, Karachi held an awareness seminar on Neuro Developmental Disorders at Quran Institute, Karachi. It was an interactive session with students and faculty members in attendance.
ASDWT, Karachi organised an awareness seminar on Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women, Nawabshah. A large number of post graduate Doctors, House Officers & Lady Health Workers attended the session. Assistant commissioner Nawabshah, Vice Chancellor (PUMHS) & Mr. Abid Lashari from National Disability & Development Forum (NDF) also joined the session.
ASDWT, Lahore invited par-ents to discuss options of independent living for adults with Autism. After a short presentation on the Ramaq Homes Pilot Project presented by Rukhsana Shah, a detailed discussion took place and it was decided that parents would visit facilities set by the Department of Social Welfare, and others such as Roshni Gaon, Rising Sun and Dar-e-Mussarat.

The second online session of “Autism Stories” was conducted on 31st December 2021 to showcase the stories of two mothers, Samina and Farah, who are making a superb effort to bring change in their children’s lives. Masharib, 15, is a very gifted young man who can repair any electrical gadget lamps, fans, kitchen appliances and what not without having obtained any formal training. His parents were advised to provide him with a tutor who can train him along scientific lines. Abdullah, 14, is another talented adolescent who paints very well and loves photography. He has a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/Artism. Both boys are non-verbal.
Team ASDWT Karachi conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar at St, John Homeopathic College for students and teachers.

ASDWT, Lahore conducted seminars and workshops on neurodevelopmental disorders at Universities and Special Education Institutions of Swat and Malakand, KPK from 23rd to 27th November 2021. Resource persons were Ms. Farah Amanat, Ms. Mobashshrah Bajwa, and Mr. Ahmer Sultan. Individual assessments of children were conducted by Ms. Farah Amanat separately. At the Kohsar Special Education for Hearing Impaired Children, Makan Bagh, Mingora, Swat, the entire proceeding was simultaneously translated through sign language for the benefit of students. A session was also held at the Gandhara Institute of Basic Sciences at Chakdara Lower Dir.

ASDWT is conducting a new online series “Autism Stories”, to learn from first-hand experiences and success stories from mothers of children with Autism. The first session was conducted online on 16th November 2021. Alyna and Aatiqa, mothers of two young autistic boys – Mohammad Haider and Yahya Haseen – shared their autism journey with other par-ents. Haider is 10 years old and completed 100 km marathon without a mentor. He also swims and paints. Yahya , 13, is interested in Robotics and Lego. He has a keen interest in Mathematics, and surfs on the internet to watch his favourite movies, cartoons etc.
ASDWT Karachi in collaboration with Social Welfare and Special Education Literacy & Non-formal Education Department, Quetta conducted Awareness seminar for Special Educators, Teachers, and Parents which was attended by 62 participants.

ASDWT Karachi conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar at Balochistan Institute of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Quetta for 56 Psychiatrists and Trainee Psychologists. Dr. Salma Khalil and Ms. Faiza Ilyas made presentations on ASD

ASDWT teams organized an online training programme on Childhood Disorders for BS and MSc students of University of Sindh, Jamshoro on Zoom from June 6th to October 30, 2021. The Course comprised 24 lectures on different topics including Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, OCD, Assessment Tools, CBT, Historical perspectives on Disability and Eugenics, Positive Psychology and multiple therapies. Two evaluation sessions were con-ducted, after which Certificates were issued to the participants at a ceremony conducted in Jamshoro at the University. A total of 63 students attended the training programme.
ASDWT held Autism Talent Series in the second and third quarters of 2021, to showcase the extraordinary talent of individuals with autism. The idea was to recognise, motivate and support the various talents of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and who may also inspire and encourage others to emulate their example. These Series, focused on skills related to cooking; singing; sketching; playing musical instruments; computer programming; animation; athletics; arts and crafts.

ASD Welfare Trust hosted a national webinar on World Autism Awareness Day on 2nd April, 2021 to discuss Functional Curricula, Vocational Training and Employment. Speaker included Ms. Alliya Batool Haidery, General Manager, Pakistan Centre for Autism, Karachi; Mr. Umair Bin Tahir, Director Step to Learn, Islamabad; Ms. Nabila Chauhdry, CEO, Rising Sun Institute for Special Children, Lahore; Ms. Sana Ayaz, Principal, Karachi Vocational Training Centre and Mr. Qazi Fazli Azeem, Assistant Professor, Media Sciences, SZABIST, Karachi. The speakers discussed the many options on the subject that had been developed by different schools and institutions also agreed that much more could be done to support individuals with autism especially to develop new talent in fields such as the culinary arts, musicology, painting and software development.
A Virtual Regional Conference was hosted by ASD Welfare Trust on 1st April 2021 to mark the Word Awareness Month. The theme of the conference was Celebrating Geographical Congruence and Diversity. Six countries Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan participated in the virtual colloquium. The conference was addressed by Ms. Sabina Hossain, parent and Founder of Society for the Welfare of Autistic Children (SWAC), Dhaka, Bangladesh, Mr. Ugyen Wangchuk, Executive Director of Ability Bhutan Society, Ms. Indrani Basu, Head of Parent Empowerment and Trainings and a governing body member at Action for Autism, New Delhi, India, Dr. Ismail Shafeeu, CEO and board member of Maldives Autism Associa-tion, Dr. Sunita Maleku, Founder and Chairperson of Autism Care Nepal Society, and Prof. Dr. Shazia Maqbool, Head of the Department of Developmental Pediatrician at Children’s Hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. The speakers talked about the state of autism in their respective countries and the efforts being made to create awareness at both, the government and private sector levels and especially among the health care professionals. They stated that regional countries could learn a great deal from each other, especially from Bangladesh and India who had won political support through much struggle and had been rewarded with appropriate legislation and funding for autism. They also discussed strategies to support adults with autism for independent living and creating opportunities for employment whether sheltered, supported or assisted.

World Mental Health Awareness Day was observed on October 10th, 2020. ASDWT dedicated the month to create awareness about the importance of Mental Health and shared recorded video messages by professionals and celebrities on its Facebook Page.
Click on www.facebook.com/autisminpakistan to view the messages.

On 30th September, 2020 ASD Welfare Trust Lahore in collaboration with Forum for Autism, Mumbai, India organised an online talk about Journey of Two Autistic Young Men - Kabir and Usaid, narrated by their moth-ers, Parul Kumtha and Fatima Sheikh. The real life stories of the visions, the passions, the struggle and hard work on part of all four protagonists were truly inspirational.
Nineteen years old Usaid has excelled in dance, drumming, singing and graphic design, he had first to teach his parents and extended family to accept his passion and nurture it, while Parul and Anand helped their son Kabir to Identify his talent and achieve his potential through a process of trial and error, encountering many setbacks, but never giving up. Today, Usaid Shaikh loves to take part in dance competitions and plays, earn-ing a bit of money and also studying for his graphic designs degree. Kabir Kumtha runs a business venture with the help of his parents, making Torans (garlands) and selling them to a large clientele in Mumbai.
Sixty-seven participants from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan participated in the Zoom session.
ASDWT Karachi organized Parents Support Group, Hyderabad on 17th July, 2020 to discuss safety issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic. On 7th and 19th August, 2020 the topic “Importance of Developing Routines During Pandemic” was covered by team ASDWT, to help design visual schedules at home, and providing a detailed transition plan for back to school. ASDWT Karachi started a new parent group for Quetta on 28th July, 2020 to provide professional support. The first session was on “Managing Challenging Behaviours”. The second session was conducted on 4th September, 2020 on “Behavior Modification and ABC Baseline Chart”.
ASDWT Lahore arranged an online Zoom session on “Specific Learning Disorders” for students of Department of Psychology, University of Malakand, KPK. Ms. Farah Amanat conducted the session on Formal and Informal Assessment and Management Plan for Specific Learning Disorders. This was followed by an online training workshop on 7th July on “Autism Spec-trum Disorders and Management Techniques” .
ASDWT Karachi conducted first activity of ASDWT Club on Friday, 3rd July, 2020 in collaboration with WonderTree. The Session was by WonderTree Team on the use of Wonder Games for children with disabilities. All the Club Members downloaded and played Wonder Games with their children and gave positive reviews.
The second ASDWT Club activity was on Vocational Training with ACELP Institute of Child Development on 10th August, 2020. Special Thanks to Ms. Aen ul Huda for facilitating and connecting ASDWT with her team of experts.
ASDWT Karachi conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar on 27th February, 2020 at Sindh Government Public Library and Culture Centre, Mirpurkhas, for Doctors, Psychiatrists, Special Educators, Teachers, Community Health Workers and Parents. Special Thanks to Mr. Ghulam Ali Bozdar, Regional Director of Special Education for his support. The event was funded by the US Global Undergraduate Exchange Program, which does community development work in Pakistan. Thanks also to Ms. Rabia and Ms. Saima, Alumni of the Program, who provided this liaison.

ASDWT Karachi conducted a Seminar on Autism on February 24th, 2020 at Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences LUMHS, Jamshoro. It was attended by Doctors, Pediatricians, Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Physiotherapists etc. Special Thanks to Prof. Dr. Salma Sheikh, Head of Pediatrics Department, LUMHS for arranging the Seminar.

ASDWT Lahore conducted an awareness seminar on Autism and ADHD on the invitation of Zunnorain Welfare Trust in Faisalabad on 13th February, 2020. Sixty five participants including parents, teachers from mainstream and special schools as well as health workers participated in the seminar. The session triggered a great deal of discussion and enabled many parents and professionals to interact with each other.

An Autism and ADHD awareness Seminar was conducted on 11th February, 2020 at Government Gulberg College for Women, Lahore. Rukhsana Shah, Chairperson ASDWT, spoke on Autism and its management while Sunehra Zaidi Psychologist, ASDWT Lahore talked about ADHD and its impact. A large number of teachers and students of Psychology Department attended the seminar.Special thanks to Dr. Naveed Anjum and her colleagues for organising the event.

ASDWT Karachi organized an Awareness seminar on Neurodevelopmental disorders at TandoAllahyar on 6th February 2020. Special thanks to our Chief guest Mr. Pervaz Ahmed Seehar Secretary DEPD for attending the session and for his support throughout. A large number of audience including Doctors, Psychologists, Special educators, LHW's and Teachers attended the program. We are grateful to Department of Special Education and Department of Education TandoAllahyar for facilitating us for the event.

ASDWT Karachi office Organized an Awareness seminar on Neurodevelopmental disorders at Ma Ayesha Memorial Centre on 22nd January 2020. The session was attended by all related professionals including psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, OT's and special educators. Special Thanks to Mr Abdul Majeed and Ms Maria for inviting our team.

ASDWT Karachi conducted an Awareness Seminar on Neurodevelopmental Disorders at St John's Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital on 20th January, 2020. It was attended by students of all four batches and question and answer session was also held. Special Thanks to Dr. Sultana, Principal for inviting us. We'll have strong liaison in future.

ASDWT Karachi conducted An Awareness Seminar on Neurodevelopmental Disorders at APHA, Gulistan e Jauhar on Friday, 29th November, 2019. Staff of APHA and many parents participated in the Seminar. Thanks to Ms. Zunaira, Principal, APHA for facilitating and organizing the seminar.

ASDWT Karachi organized Awareness seminar on Neurodevelopmental disorders ( ASD,ADHD,SLD) at Thatta on 28th November 2019 in collaboration with Government Special Education & Rehabilitation Centre Thatta, Makli. A great numbers of professionals including Doctors, Special Educators, Teachers, Parents and Students attended the session. Special thanks to Mr. Nadeem Ibrahim for facilitating.

ASDWT Karachi organised an Autism Awareness Seminar at Dua Special Centre, Korangi, Karachi on Thursday, 14th November, 2019. Parents and professionals of Dua Special Centre participated. Special Thanks to Ms. Amna Mehmood, Principal, Dua Special Centre for inviting us and providing us an opportunity to share the information on the subject.

An Awareness Seminar on Neurodevelopmental Disorders was organized by ASDWT Karachi at Jacobabad Institute of Medical Sciences (JIMS), Jacobabad. Special thanks to Dr. Abdul Wahid, Medical Director, JIMS and Mr. Agha Waheed for facilitating and providing support. Many Doctors, Teachers, Special Educators, Community Health Workers, Social Workers, Therapists, Parents etc attended the seminar. Later a Q/A Session was also held. After the Seminar, Dr. Abdul Wahid (MD, JIMS) presented Special Sindhi Ajrak to all the speakers.

An Awareness Seminar was conducted by Team of ASDWT Karachi at PAF Shahbaz Base, Jacobabad for Mainstream School Teachers, Montessori Teachers, Therapists, Doctors and Parents. Special thanks to Mrs. Asma (Wife of Base Commander), Pakistan Air Force Women Association (PAFWA), Major Dr. Wajeeha, Mr. Adeel Ahmad for arranging a well organized seminar. The session was followed by a Q/A Session. Asured providing continuous consultation and support.

Autism Awareness Seminar at Lahore College for Women University conduct by ASD Welfare Trust Lahore.

Autism and ADHD Awareness Seminar was conducted by ASDWT Lahore in Mandi Bahauddin. Special thanks to District Officer Mr. Abdul Raffay and Headmistress Ms Azra Perveen.

Team ASDWT, Karachi, was invited by University of Sindh, Department of Education on 9th October 2019. Dr Salma Khalil (Vice Chairperson, ASDWT) talked about Neurodevelopmental disorders and Ms.Faiza Ilyas cover the topic of Inclusive Education and Class Room Management. Student participation and Faculty's interest was commendable. Special thanks to Dr. Saleha (Dean of Faculty) for inviting the team.

An Autism Awareness Seminar wasconducted by ASDWT Lahore at Hermann Gemeiner School, SOS on 2nd October-2019

Autism Awareness Seminar conducted at Toba Tek Singh by ASD Welfare Trust Lahore on 1st October-2019

Awareness Seminar conducted at Lahore Lyceum School, Shalimar Campus on Autism Spectrum Disorder and Learning Disabilities by ASDWT Lahore on 27th September-2019.

Team ASDWT, Karachi conducted an Awareness Seminar on Neurodevelopmental disorders at Syed Abdullah Shah Institute of Medical sciences (SASIMS) Sehwan, on 27th September, 2019. The seminar was attended by Doctors, paramedics, mainstream school teachers, college students, staff and Lady health workers. Special thanks to Dr.Moeen Siddiqui Director SASIMS) and Dr. Ahsan Siddiqui for their support and facilitation.

Team ASDWT Karachi conducted an Awareness Seminar on Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Ladies Club, Dadu on 26th September 2019. The seminar was attended by a number of Doctors, paramedics, Special educators, main stream teachers from Air Foundation, the smart school, Government college teachers, students, social workers and Lady health workers. ASDWT extended thanks to RD Hyderabad Mr. Riaz ur Rehman Korejo and Mr.Munir Ahmed Dahut for their cooperation. Special thanks to Mr. Ashraf Solangi (Chairman District council, Dadu) Mr. Zamir Khokhar (District Accounts officer) and his team for the logistic support.

ASD Welfare Trust Lahore Conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar at University of Home Economics Lahore on 25-September-2019).

An Autism Awareness Seminar was conducted by a Team of Psychologists and ASDWT at Department of Special Education, University of Karachi on September 18, 2019. It was attended by students of BA and MA Special Education. Special Thanks to Ms. Amna Sheikh for inviting and giving us an opportunity to share information on the subject.

ASDWT, Karachi held an Autism Awareness session at Police Training centre Razzaqabad. Focus of the talk by Dr. Salma khalil was to create Awareness and to Educate Police officers. Special thanks to Mr.Khalid (DSP, Razzaqabad) for facilitating the team.

Mrs. Nisima Dogar, Head Bahria Foundation College Tandoadam, invited ASDWT Karachi for creating awareness about Neurodevelopmental Disorders on 20th July, 2019. It was the first of its kind of seminar in TANDOADAM. It was well organized and the participants were from all flocks of life including teachers of BFC and govt special educators from district Sangadh. Along with presentations of ASDWT team there was energetic display of Karate by BFC students. ASDWT congratulates and extends it's gratitude to Mrs. Dogar and her staff for their cooperation and good management.
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/AutisminPakistan/posts/2360305467622732

Team of ASDWT Karachi conducted an awareness session on "Disabilities & it's Challenges, ASD and ADHD on 10th July 2019 at Insaf House Hyderabad. It was arranged by Mr. Jamshaid Ali, Ex. President PTI Hyderabad, for promoting educational activities in their area. ASDWT welcomes individuals & organisations wanting to assist in promotinf ASDWT cause.
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/AutisminPakistan/posts/2351753615144584

ASDWT Karachi is grateful to Mr. Amir Farooqi, DIG East Karachi, for arranging Autism Awareness session on 6th July 2019 at Office of DIG East. It was conducted by Dr. Salma Khalil, Vice Chairperson ASDWT. All participants including policemen and policewomen took interest in topic and asked many questions.

ASDWT Karachi arranged a seminar on awareness of ASD and ADHD on 4th July, 2019 at Murshid Hospital Karachi. We are grateful to Mr. Imran Khan, Coordinator at MHK, for inviting us. A large number of nursing students and faculty members participated in seminar.

ASDWT Karachi is grateful to Quaid Azam RangersSpecial School Karachi for inviting our team to conduct an Awareness Session regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on 28th June, 2019. All the participants showed great interest in learning the subject. Special thanks to Mrs. Zahida Jalees, Principal, QARSS and Dr. Nadia Razzaq for facilitating ASDWT team.

On June 19, 2019 awareness seminars ware held on Autism and its Management and Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD) by Autism Spectrum Disorders Welfare Trust (ASDWT), Lahore in collaboration with Psychology Department, University of Swat. Dr. Salma Khalil and Ms. Farah Amanat led the seminars which were attended by a large number of students and faculty members including the Vice Chancellor of the University. The students enthusiastically took part and made the discussion and question answer session lively.

Awareness Seminars on Autism and its Management and Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD) was held in Malakand University by Autism Spectrum Disorders Welfare Trust (ASDWT), Lahore in collaboration with Psychology Department of Malakand University. Dr. Salma Khalil and Ms. Farah Amanat led the seminars which were attended by a large number of students and faculty members including the Vice Chancellor of the University. The students with their comments and questions made the discussion lively.

ASDWT, Karachi held an Autism Awareness Seminar at FUUAST Abdul Haq Campus on May 2, 2019. We are thankful to Dr. Farhat Khanum and Ms. Sana Akhter for inviting us at FUUAST Abdul Haq Campus. Students from department of Special Education and Psychology attended and took interest and made the session interactive.

Autism Awareness Seminar at Institute of Professional Psychology Bahria University Karachi

Autism Awareness Seminar at Govt. Pilot School for Special Education GOR Colony, Hyderabad

Autism Awareness Seminar in FC College Lahore

Autism Awareness Seminar in Step Ahead school for special needs

To mark WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY , Autism Disorders Welfare Trust organised a seminar at Mumtaz Mirza Auditorium Hyderabad. Dr.Salma Khalil Vice Chairperson ASDWT, Ms. Asma Ahmed Senior Clinical Psychlogist and Ms. Sana Shiraz Principal Desert Hawk School Hyderabad shed light over different aspects of Autism. Mr.Syed Sajjad Haider (ADDL. Commissioner, the Chief Guest talked about importanceof such seminar across Sindh. People from all walks of life participated and appreciated ASDWT Karachi's effort towards the cause. Seminar was followed by short walk and banner flying ceremony. Specially thanks to Mr Safdar Shah A.A.O, Hyderabad and the team ASDWT, Karachi.

Autism Awareness Walk from Children Library Complex to Governor House Mall Road, Lahore

Team of ASD Welfare Trust Lahore conducted an Awareness Seminar in Collaboration with Lahore College for Women University, Jhang Campus on Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities and ADHD on 7th February 2019. Senior Clinical Psychologist Ms. Farah Amanat presented Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities and its Management Strategies while Psychologist Ms. Sunehra Zaidi talked about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Seminar was attended by Parents, Psychologist, University Students, Special Educationist, Mainstream and Inclusive School Teachers from Jhang. Special Thanks to Mr. Qaisar Abbas Focal Person Special Education, Mrs. Rimza Sikandar Director LCWU and Ms.Mona Khurshid for facilitation.

An Autism and ADHD Awareness Seminar was conducted by ASDWT,Karachi on February 6th, 2019 at Department of Special Education, University of Karachi. The students of BS and MS degrees programme attended the seminar and were keen learners and wanted to know about the Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Thanks to Ms. Amna and Ms. Humera Aziz for inviting us.

ASDWT Karachi conducted an Awareness Seminar on "Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) & Exploring Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) " at Learning Hands Rehabilitation Centre (LHRC) on 30th January, 2019. The seminar was attended by many Parents, Special Educators, Therapists, Psychologists and Mainstream School Teachers. Special thanks to Ms. Faryal Barlas and Ms. Dania Khan for inviting us.

Team of Autism Spectrum Disorders Welfare Trust Lahore conducted an Awareness Seminar in Collaboration with Punjab Welfare Trust for Disabled (PWTD) on Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities and ADHD in Gugarnwala on Thursday, 24th January 2019. Chairperson of ASD Welfare Trust Mrs. Rukhsana Shah presented Autism Spectrum Disorder while Ms. Farah Amanat Senior Clinical Psychologist Lahore talked about Learning Disabilities and management strategies and Ms. Sidra Ashiq , Clinical Psychologist discussed about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Seminar was attended by Psychologist from DHQ Hospital, School Counselors, Speech Therapist, Special Educators, Music Teachers, Main Stream School Teachers, University Students, and Social Activist from Gujranwala. Special Thanks to Ms. Sobia Cheema, and Mr. Nayyar Bashir to facilitate us.

Autism and ADHD Awareness session was conducted at St. John Homeopathic medical college on 8th January 2019.
Ms. Asma Ahmed (Senior Clinical Psychologist) discussed about Understanding Autism and it's management while Dr. Salma Khalil (Vice Chairperson) presented the topic of Exploring ADHD and its's Management. The seminar was attended by teachers and students of the college. Special thanks toDr. Huma Naz and Dr. Nighat for inviting us.
An Autism and ADHD Seminar was aranged at Dewa Academy on 22nd December 2018 ASDWT. Ms. Asma Ahmed (Senior Clinical Psychologist) talked about Understanding Autism and Management while Ms. Zarlish Zafar (Clinical Psychologist) discussed about Exploring Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and its management. The seminar was attended by Staff of Dewa Academy including Special Educators, Speech Therapists, Sports Teachers and Parents. Special Thanks to Miss Mussarat and Dewa Academy for inviting us.

Team of ASDWT Lahore conducted an awareness seminar on Autism and Learning Disabilities in collaboration with Care and Hope Special School Gujrat on Friday 14th December 2018. Welcome Address was delivered by Malik Izhar CEO of Care and Hope Special School. Mrs. Rukhsana Shah presented Understanding Autism while Senior Clinical Psychologist Ms Farah Amanat discussed about Learning Disabilities. The parents and teachers took interest and discussed their concerns about children. Special thanks to Mr. Sheraz Cheema , Malik Izhar, Mr. Asif and the team of Care and Hope Special School, Gujrat.

Team of ASDWT Lahore conducted an Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD Awareness Seminar in Collaboration with Al Muddassar Special Education Complex, Kharian on Thursday, 22nd November, 2018. Mrs. Rukhsana Shah, Chairperson, ASDWT, presented Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD while Senior Clinical Psychologist Ms. Farah Amanat discussed their Management Techniques. Ms. Sobia Cheema, Deputy District Education Officer, Mr. Sheraz Cheema Focal Person District Gujarat and a number of Special Educationist, Psychologist, Speech Therapist, General Physicians, and Physiotherapist from Kharian, Serai Alamgir, Lalamusa and Gujrat attended the seminar. Special thanks to Syed Muddassar Hussain Shah, and the team for facilitating us.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Welfare Trust, Lahore, conducted an Autism and ADHD Awareness Seminar in Wazirabad on 15th November, 2018. A number of Nurses, Lady Health Workers, Clinical Psychologist, Parents and members of Social Welfare from Institutions from Wazirabad, Gujrat and Gujrwanwala attended the seminar. Representative teachers from special education and mainstream schools also attended the seminar. The audience provided an excellent feedback and encouraged the efforts of ASDWT towards a noble cause.

ASDWT conducted two days (13th and 14th November 2018) Awareness Seminar in Al Murtaza School for spreading awareness regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Specific Learning Disorder. ASDWT is greatful to the Principal and management of Al Murtaza school for supporting our mission. A number of teachers took keen interest in both the sessions. We are thankful to Miss. Sanam Kaleem for volunteering her precious time for ASDWT.

ASDWT Karachi conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar at PAF Base MASROOR. Around 30 related people participated in the Seminar. Special Thanks to Miss Tooba Hussain Principal and management of PAF Special School for organizing the event.

ASDWT, Lahore conducted an Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD Awareness Seminar in Collaboration with Crescent Bahuman Ltd. at Al Haram Grand Marqee, Hafizabad on Tuesday, 9th, October 2018. Mrs. Rukhsana Shah, the Director, ASDWT presented Autism Spectrum Disorder whereas, senior clinical psychologist Ms. Farah Amanat discussed their management techniques. Clinical Psychologist Ms.Sidra Ashique presented Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A number of Nurses, Lady Health workers, Child Specialist, Clinical Psychologist, Speech Therapist, and members of Social Welfare from Institutions of Pindi Bhattiyan and Hafizabad attended the seminar. Teachers from special education and mainstream schools and parents also participated in the seminar.

ASDWT, Karachi conducted two Awareness Seminars in Islamkot and Mithi in Collabration with THAR FOUNDATION. Around 180 releted persons participated in both the seminars. Special thanks to Mr. Naseer Memon (General Manager CSR) Mr. Naval Vaswani (Manager, Thar Foundation), Ms. Sabeen Shah (Head of Education), Mr. Wali Muhammad Mangrio (Principal Elementary College Of Education For Men and Women Mithi Tharparkar) and Fayyaz Sheikh (Thar Foundation) for organizing the events.

ASDWT, Lahore conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar in Narowal on 18th September, 2018 in collaboration with Zila Katchehry Narowal. Special thanks to Ms Sobia Ramzan, Headmistress, Govt.Special Education Center Narowal, Mr. Sajjad Qasim from NRDP, Mr.Malik Abrar Administrator Zila Katchehry and Mr. Ahmed Iqbal Chairman District Council Narowal for facilitating.

An Autism Awareness Seminar was organized by ASDWT Karachi in collaboration with Parents Voice Association, Ujala Centre on Tuesday, 18th September, 2018 at the Auditorium of Ujala Centre, Karachi. Staff of Ujala Centre and other Professionals attended and asked for more such Seminars and Training Workshops.

Karachi Office arranged a Seminar in Koohi Goth Hospital on Thursday, 12th July, 2018. Exploring ADHD and Understanding Autism with their respective Management was discussed by Dr. Salma Khalil and Ms. Asma Ahmed. Around100 Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) and Community Midwives (CMW) attended the seminar.

ASDWT, Lahore conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar in Abbottabad University of Science and Technology on 9th May, 2018 in collaboration with SAM Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Abbottabad. Special thankful to Mr. Ajmal Waheed, Ms. Samina Kousar, Dr Iftikhar Ahmed, Vice Chancellor (AUST) and the team for facilitating.

ASDWT, Lahore conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar in Special Education Center Abbottabad on 9th May, 2018 in collaboration with SAM Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Abbottabad.
On behalf of ASDWT, Lahore Mrs. Rukhsana Shah and Ms. Farah Amanat conducted Seminars on Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder, Test and Assessment for ASD, Management Techniques and Independent Living Strategies for individuals with ASD at Hazara University, Mansehra on 8th May, 2018 in collaboration with SAM Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Abbottabad.

Team of ASDWT, Lahore conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar in Kinnaird College for Women on 20th April, 2018. Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Rukhsana David, Principal; Dr Urusa Fahim; Dean Department of Psychology and Faculty members for facilitating.

Team of ASDWT, Karachi conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar in Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences (GIMS) on 18th April, 2018. Medical students; faculty members and senior doctors attended the seminar. We are thankful to Prof. Dr. Rahim Bux Bhattii, Director, GIMS and Mr. Abdul Ghafoor, Neurologist, GIMS for facilitating. Dr. Salma Khalil, Vice Chairperson, ASDWT, Karachi started with Introduction of ASDWT and later gave a presentation on Exploring ADHD. Ms. Asma Ahmed, Senior Clinical Psychologist and General Secretary, ASDWT gave a presentation on Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

ASDWT, Karachi in collaboration with Government Special Education Centre, Sindh organized an Autism Awareness Seminar on 2nd April, 2018 at GSEC, Karachi. Mr. Ahsan Ali Mangi, Secretary Special Education was the Chief Guest while other heads of different private and Government Organizations participated in it. Around 130 people including parents, professionals, psychologists, therapists, special educators, teachers also attended.

On Monday 2nd April 2018, a seminar on World Autism Awareness Day was conducted by Autism Spectrum Disorders Welfare Trust (ASDWT) at SAFMA Auditorium Shadman, Lahore. A large number of people attended the seminar. Chairperson of ASDWT, Mrs. Rukhsana Shah said that autistic children are characterized by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. They have different ways of learning and information processing that can depict their unexpected abilities in art, music, computer technology and mechanics. Dr. Suleman Shahid, from School of Sciences, LUMS Lahore, stated that LUMS was developing special android applications to help children with autism to learn and communicate with others. He emphasized the need for parents to take advantage of Information Technology in educating their children with autism and other developmental disabilities.Mr. Aneesur Rehman, vice president Special Olympics Pakistan, shared that sports and physical activities can be beneficial for children with developmental disabilities. He also explained the role of Special Olympics in helping children with autism. Dr. Shaheen Pasha from University of Education explained about inclusive education and the need for appropriate legislation in this regard. Ms. Ayesha Faiz, clinical psychologist from Sahil, talked about the need to protect children with special needs from abuse and neglect. Dr. Salma Shoukat, sheds light on mother’s perspective about Autism. Special thanks to our guest speakers and participants.

ASDWT conducted an Awareness Seminar on Autism and ADHD at Dept of Psychology, University of Sindh, Hyderabad, Sindh on Wednesday, 21st February 2018. Around 60 Students of Bachelors and Masters and ten teachers participated in the Seminar. Special thanks to Ms. Irfana Shah for inviting.

ASDWT conducted an Awareness Seminar on Autism, ADHD and Learning difficulties at KPT Staff College, Karachi, Sindh on Friday , 16th February 2018. Among the audience were teachers from main stream schools and special schools, professionals including psychologists, special educators, physiotherapists etc and parents. Overall around 78 people participated. Special thanks to Ms. Shama Ehsan Khan for facilitating.

ASDWT conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar in collaboration with Post Graduate Medical Institution (PGMI), Peshawar on Thursday, 15th February 2018. A number of medical students, general physicians, pediatrician, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, and speech therapist from different institutions and hospitals attended the seminar while parents also joined the session. The Director of ASDWT, Mrs. Rukhsana Shah shed light on different aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorder.\ while Senior Clinical Psychologist Ms. Farah Amanat, discussed assessment and management techniques. Special thanks to Dr. TahmeedUllah, and Prof. Dr. Intekhab Alam for facilitatating us at PGMI.
ASDWT, Lahores's Director Mrs. Rukhsana Shah and Senior Clinical Psychologist, Ms. Farah Amanat conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar on Tuesday, 13th February 2018. Students of Clinical Psychology, Diploma in, and Phd participated in the Seminar. Special Thanks to Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Razia Sultana, Head of Psychology Department, Dr. Sonia Shagufta for cooperation.
ASDWT, Lahore, conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar at Special Education Complex Hayatabad (SECH), Peshawar on 13th, February 2018. Mrs. Rukhsana Shah talked about Autism Spectrum Disorder whereas, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Ms. Farah Amanat, discussed its management techniques. Teachers from Peshawar attended the seminar.

ASDWT conducted an Autism awareness Seminar on 25th January, 2018. Seminar was organized at Municipal Administration Hall, Okara around 200 people participated, including, Teachers, Mental health professionals, special educationist, parents, students and people from NGOs. Chairperson Mrs. Rukhsana Shah talked about Autism Spectrum Disorders while Senior Clinical Psychologist Ms. Farah Amanat gave an overview of management techniques. Special thanks to Deputy Director Special Education Okara Dr. Muhammad Zafar, and Ms. Rahila Ishaq President of Cry to Smile organization for their cooperation.

ASDWT Karachi conducted an Autism and ADHD Awareness Seminar in Mithi, Sindh on Wednesday , 17th January 2018 at Mithi Darbar Hall, Deputy Commissioner Complex, Mithi, Sindh. Around 100 people attended the seminar including Parents and Professionals, Doctors, Psychologists, Teachers, Special Educators, Therapists; DHQ Hospital doctors and Many others.

Autism Spectrum Disorders Welfare Trust (ASDWT) conducted a Seminar on Autism Awareness at COMSATS Institution on 22th December 2017. Speakers highlighted the key features of Autism Spectrum Disorders and gave an overview of the latest management techniques. Special thanks to Dr. Shameem Fatima for yhe facilitation.

University of Education organized an Autism Awareness Seminar in collaboration with Autism Spectrum Disorders Welfare Trust (ASDWT), Lahore on 21st December, 2017. Special thanks to Assistant Professor Dr Shaheen Pasha, and Principal Dr. Abrar Hussain.

ASDWT team conducted aSeminar on Autism Awareness in Pakpatton on 20th December 2017. Cairperson Mrs. Rukhsana Shah highlighted the key features of Autism and ADHD while Senior Clinical Psychologist, Ms. Farah Amanat present an overview of the management techniques.

Formal Launch of ASDWT Karachi
A Seminar was organized at the IBA Auditorium, City Campus, Karachi, on 19th October, 2017 to mark the opening of Autism Spectrum Welfare Trust Office at Karachi and to launch Autism Awareness Campaign in Sindh. Ms. Rukhsana Shah, Chairperson of the Trust, spoke of the lack of awareness about autism and learning disabilities among doctors, teachers and parents all over Pakistan, and lauded the efforts of the government of Sindh in this field. She appreciated the role of the Mahvash & Jahangir Siddiqui Foundation who sponsored the setting up of the Autism Trust in Lahore in 2015, as well as funded the Karachi Office which opened on the 1st of October this year. In her inaugural speech, Mrs. Mahvash Jahangir Siddiqui gave a brief background of the work done by the MJS Foundation all over Pakistan. This was followed by an address by the Chief Guest, Dr. Zulfiqar Shallwani, Secretary to the Government of Sindh for Special Education. Dr. Shallwani enumerated the efforts of the government of Sindh in the field not only of autism, but all disabilities in general. He said that in April, the first Autism Centre was set up in Karachi at the existing Special Education Centre in Gulistan-e-Johar, while a separate state of the art building was being constructed on the site. A school for ADHD and Learning Difficulties is being set up at the Korangi Centre of Special Education, while a similar facility is under consideration at Thatta. He added tha in Nawabshah, the government is setting up a Centre for Down’s syndrome and Neuro Developmental Disorders in which medical colleges and DHQ hospitals would be involved to ensure sustainability and growth of the Centre. The key-note address on Autism was delivered by Dr. Irum Rizwan, a pioneer in the field of Autism in Karachi, who also runs the Autism Unit at Dow University of Health Sciences. This was followed by a presentation on ADHD by Dr. Salma Khalil, and a discussion on Learning Disabilities by Ms. Sanam Hafeez. Ms. Asma Ahmed, Senior Clinical Psychologist, ASDWT, gave a presentation on overview of management for persons with ASD. She said ASD children are super smart and have extraordinary talents. “It is our responsibility to unlock their potential and polish their talent areas”, she concluded. The seminar was attended by around 300 Professionals including Special Educators, Mainstream School Teachers, Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Speech therapists, Audiologists, Occupational Therapists, and Psychiatrists.
The Autism awareness seminar was held in Kasur on 18th April 2017. Participants from different private and government institutions, Department of Special Education, Mainstream School, Parents, local NGOs and many others joined.
ASDWT held an Autism Awareness Seminar at Islamia University Bahawalpur on 1st December, 2016. Special thanks to Dr. Masood Nadeem, Head of the Department of Applied Psychology and Prof. Dr. Akhtar, Dean of Social Sciences, and Prof. Dr. Qaiser Mushtaq, Vice Chancellor of IUB for facilitating.
Thanks to the support and generosity of Mr. Saleem Iqbal, President of the Bahawalpur Chamber of Commerce & Industry, we were able to conduct 15thseminar on Autism Awareness on 1st December, 2016. Parents and Professionals including Psychologists, Special Educators, Teachers, Therapists, Social Welfare employees and NGOs joined us along with teachers from Sadiq Public School and Beaconhouse. After the Seminar, a few parents brought their children for consultation with our Clinical Psychologist.
ASDWT was greatful to the Vice Chancellor of BZU, Prof. Dr. Tahir Amin for hosting the team and Dr. Sarwat, Head of Department of Applied Psychology for facilitatating a seminar in Multan on Autism Awareness at BZU Multan on 30th November, 2016. A large number of students and faculty of the Department of Psychology attended the seminar.
ASDWT conducted an Autism Awareness Seminar on November 30,2016 with the support of Mr. Jalaluddin Roomi, President of the Multan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Parents, Professionals including Psychologists, Special Educators, Teachers, Therapists, Social Welfare Department of the Government of Punjab and other mainstream schools, especially those from Beaconhouse School System, attended the seminar.
ASDWT held a Seminar on Autism & ADHD Awareness on Thursday, 10th November, 2016 at local hotel in Gujrat. It was partially sponsored by Service Industries Gujrat. Professionals including Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Special Educators, Social Workers, and Students and Staff of Department of Psychology from UoG and Zamindar College also joined us. Dr. Noreena Kausar, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Gujrat, gave a presentation on Autism Spectrum Disorder. Ms. Rukhsana Shah talked about Self Awareness in Autism Spectrum Disorder, followed by a presentation by Ms. Asma Ahmed, Clinical Psychologist, on ASDWT and overview of the Treatment and Management of Persons with ASD.
ASDWT conducted a SEMINAR ON AUTISM & ADHD AWARENESS on Thursday, 6th October, 2016 at a local Hotel, Gujranwala. Professionals including Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Special Educators, Speech Therapists, Social Workers, Doctors and Mainstream school teachers joined us.

ASDRC held a seminar on AUTISM, ADHD & LD AWARENESS on 2nd MAY 2016 at a local hotel in Faisalabad. Participants from GCU, Faisalabad, Faisalabad Autism Centre, Department of Special Education, and many other professionals attended.

A Seminar on Awareness of Autism, ADHD and LD was conducted by ASDRC in Mirpurkhas, in collaboration with the Department of Special Education, Government of Sindh on 13th April, 2016.

ASDRC conducted a Seminar on Awareness of ASD, ADHD and LD in collaboration with Department of Psychology, University of Sindh on 12th April, 2016 at the Shaikh Ayaz Auditorium, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. Faculty members, Students of B.Sc and M.Sc participated in the Seminar.

ASDRC conducted a Seminar on Awareness of ASD, ADHD and LD in collaboration with Department of Special Education, Government of Sindh on 12th April, 2016 at the Mumtaz Mirza Auditorium, Sindh Museum, Hyderabad. Parents, Doctors, Psychologist, Therapists, Special Educationist and Teachers. participated in the Seminar.

ASDRC crried out a walk and was able to create awareness regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder. People sitting in their cars or passing by read the posters, placards and were eager to know as to what the walk was for. They took the pictures of posters and placards with their cameras and mobilephones. The people who participated in the walk include Mrs. Rukhsana Shah, Shahnaz Rafique, Dr. Salma Khalil, Dr. Faiza Khurram, the staff of ASDRC, Mrs. Fouzia Saleemi, Mrs. Lailmah Khan, Staff of ZRC, Ms. Huma Sheikh, Staff, Faculty members and students of GCU, Parents of children with ASD etc.

On 25th and 26th February, 2016 ASDRC held seminars on Autism Awareness and Management at the Psychology Department of Fatima Jinnah College for Women, Chuna Mandi Lahore. Students from Psychology Department participated in the seminar.
On 19th January, 2016 ASDRC held a seminar on Autism Awareness and Management at the Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. Students of BS, MS and Phd participated in the seminar.
An Autism Awareness and Management seminar was organized by the Department of Psychology, Government College University, Lahore in collaboration with ASDRC on 15th December, 2015. Dr. Syeda Salma, Incharge and Associate Professor of Department of Psychology, GCU, Lahore, thanked ASDRC for organizing an awareness seminar for the students and professionals of her department. Mrs. Rukhsana Shah, Director, ASDRC, gave a detailed presentation on Introduction of ASD while Ms. Asma Ahmed, Clinical Psychologist, talked on the Overview of Treatment and Management of the Persons with ASD. Around100 students and professionals attended the seminar.

A seminar on Autism & Learning Disabilities Awareness was organized in Karachi by the Autism Spectrum Disorders Resource Centre (ASDRC) Lahore on 12th December at a local hotel. It was attended by more than two hundred parents and professionals including teachers, doctors, and therapists. Mrs. Rukhsana Shah, CEO of Autism Spectrum Disorders Resource Centre (ASDRC), in her welcoming address, expressed her gratitude to the MJS Foundation for its financial and moral support, which enabled the Centre to offer the finest trainings to teachers and parents. She stated that it was the Mission of ASDRC to create a critical mass of trained teachers and care-givers and to create maximum awareness in the country about autism and learning disabilities. In her inaugural address, Mrs. Mahvash Jahangir Siddiqui, Chairperson of MJS Foundation, stated the Foundation was striving to improve health, education and social outcomes in Pakistan through the establishment of additional facilities in existing public and private hospitals, introducing educational and vocational colleges for persons with disabilities, empowering youth through leadership and enterprise support programmes, improving the quality of education and providing relief and rehabilitation services during natural disasters. Autism Resource Centre in Lahore set up by the Foundation is designed to create greater awareness about autism and learning disabilities in the country, and to train parents and teachers of special and mainstream schools in the relevant fields. Dr. Shahnaz Ibrahim started the seminar by bringing to light different aspects of Autism. She gave a detailed presentation on the Autism Spectrum Disorders. She told that Autism is a mental disorder and that people who are afflicted with it deserves our special attention. Dr. Aisha Sanoober Aga Khan University gave a presentation on ADHD. Ms Mona Qaiser gave detailed presentation about Dyslexia and its manageme.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Resource Centre, Lahore (ASDRC) conducted a seminar on autism awareness at a local hotel in Jhelum, City of Soldiers and Martyrs, on 26th November, 2015. Dr. Hafeez ur Rahman (President of PMA of Jehlum), Dr. Shabbir Shah, Dr. Abdul Shakoor and other doctors, teachers & parents of children with Autism participated in the Seminar. While giving the welcoming address, Ms. Asma Ahmad, introduced ASDRC. Dr. Adnan Sethi (Child Specialist) started the seminar by shedding some light on the different aspects of Autism. He told that Autism is a neurological disorder and children affected with this problem need our special attention. Early intervention is the key while working with the ASD children. Whereas, Ms. Asma Ahmed (Clinical Psychologist, ASDRC), gave a detailed presentation about how to deal with persons with ASD and what are the interventions available for their treatment. All the participants appreciated the efforts made by ASDRC to develop awareness regarding ASD, ADHD and Learning Disabilities. Many parents, mainstream school teachers and special school teachers discussed the different cases they were dealing, with our Clinical Psychologist.

The Autism Spectrum Disorders Resource Center, Lahore (ASDRC) held a seminar in one of the local hotels in Sargodha ,on Autism Awareness on 4th November, 2015. Many people including doctors, teachers and parents of affected children attended the seminar. Ms. Asma Ahmad said aim of ASDRC is to spread awareness amongst people regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Dr. Khawaja Muhammad Arshad started the seminar by bringing to light different aspects of Autism. He told that Autism is a neurological disorder and that people who are afflicted with it deserve our special attention. Whereas, Ms. Asma Ahmad, Clinical Psychologist, ASDRC, gave a detailed presentation about how to deal with Autistic children and the different therapies used to help them.

Autism Spectrum Disorders Resource Centre (ASDRC) held a seminar on October 3, 2015, to create awareness about the disorder at a local hotel in Sahiwal. Around 70 people attended the seminar including parents, teachers, psychologists, doctors and therapists. Mrs. Rukhsana Shah, the Director of ASDRC told the gathering that October is the Mental Health Month. The purpose of ASDRC is to prepare and educate teachers and people who look after children with autism and other learning disabilities. She also gave detailed presentation on ASD, ADHD & Learning Disabilities. Ms Asma Ahmad, Clinical Psychologist, ASDRC, discussed the treatment & management for persons with ASD.

Seminar on autism in Lahore
A seminar on autism awareness was organized in Lahore by the ASDRC on 31 August, 2015 at a local hotel. It was attended by around 100 parents and professionals including teachers, doctors, and therapists.
Rukhsana Shah, CEO of Autism Spectrum Disorders Resource Centre (ASDRC), in her welcome address, expressed her gratitude to the MJS Foundation for its financial and moral support, which enabled the Centre to offer the finest trainings to teachers and parents free of cost. She stated that it was the mission of ASDRC to create a critical mass of trained teachers and care-givers and to create maximum awareness in the country about autism and learning disabilities.
In her inaugural address, Mrs Mahvash Jahangir Siddiqui, Chairperson of MJS Foundation, stated the Foundation was striving to improve health, education and social outcomes in Pakistan through the establishment of additional facilities in existing public and private hospitals, introducing educational and vocational colleges for persons with disabilities, empowering youth through leadership, enterprise support programmes and improving the quality of education.
Lahore Seminar
Autism alarm calls for awareness, govt support
Speakers at a seminar on autism have said one in every 50 children in Pakistan can be autistic according to statistics and studies and awareness among parents about the disease is the need of the hour. The seminar was attended by parents and professionals including teachers, doctors and therapists was organised by a local NGO on 29 August, 2015. Ms. Rukhsana Shah, who heads ASDRC (Autism Spectrum Disorders Resource Centre), expressed her gratitude for a non-government foundation (MJSF) for its financial and moral support which enables the Centre to offer training to teachers and parents free of cost. She stated that it was the mission of the ASDRC to create a critical mass of trained teachers and care-givers and to create maximum awareness in the country about autism and learning disabilities. She underscored the need for census to have correct and exact statistics about the disabled persons in the country. She also highlighted that after the 18th Amendment there was no national policy for persons with disabilities, nor was there any focal ministry to look after their affairs at the centre, while the provincial governments were completely disorganised, with multiple departments being assigned to look after their affairs in an extremely haphazard manner. She also requested the government to set up facilities for children suffering from autism. Dr Shazia Maqbool, Head of Developmental Paediatrics at Children’s Hospital, said her Autism Unit was designed to cater for 3,000 children in a year but now it was catering for 30,000 children annually.

Seminar speakers raise alarm over rising autism in children:
LAHORE: Speakers at an awareness seminar on autism have raised the alarm, saying that according to some recent statistics, one in every 50 children in Pakistan can be autistic, while awareness among parents about the disease is virtually non-existent. The seminar attended by parents and professionals including teachers, doctors, and therapists was organised by Autism Spectrum Disorders Resource Centre (ASDRC). In her keynote address, Dr Shazia Maqbool, Head of Developmental Paediatrics at Children’s Hospital, Lahore, gave a detailed presentation on the Autism Spectrum Disorders. She said that autism unit at her hospital was designed to cater for 3,000 children in a year, but now the unit is catering for 30,000 children annually. There was a dire need to expand the facilities of the Developmental Paediatrics section on an urgent basis. She said although autism was incurable through medicine in most cases and the modern medicine had yet to find a way of intrusion into the locked person’s mind, it did happen sometimes that this condition could be cured by training and care of the affectionate parents and others. ASDRC head Rukhsana Shah expressed her gratitude to the Mahvesh and Jahnagir Siddqui Foundation (MJSF) for its financial and moral support, which enabled the centre to offer the finest trainings to teachers and parents free of cost. She stated that it was the mission of ASDRC to create a critical mass of trained teachers and caregivers and to create maximum awareness in the country about autism and learning disabilities. She also highlighted the need for census to have correct and exact statistics about the disabled persons in the country.